Activity of a neuron in motor cortex (MC) during walking on a flat surface and ladder with crosspieces 5 cm wide. The neuron projects to the pyramidal tract and red nucleus. Cat 7. The neuron was activated by shoulder abduction, that is, movement of the arm away from the body.
The neuron was recorded in track 23 (see cortical map). Latent period of its response to electrical stimulation of the pyramidal tract at medulla level is 1.22 ms, latent period of the response to electrical stimulation of the red nucleus is 0.9 ms. The antidromic nature of both responses was confirmed using collision test.
This PTN was one of the 95 PTNs with fast conducting pyramidal tract axons, the activity of which during walking on the flat surface and ladder-5 was contrasted to that of 70 PTNs with slow conducting pyramidal tact axons and reported in Stout and Beloozerova, 2013. Excel data spreadsheet for this paper, containing, among that of 155 other neurons, the 20 bin histogram of the activity of this PTN during flat surface and ladder-5 walking along with several evaluations of the histogram is here.
Description of the data file:
channel 4: times when a spike of this cell occurred
channel 9: times of beginnings of the swing (4) and stance (5) phases of stride
channel 10: times when the cat entered corridor with the flat surface are designated by a 2 that is at least 20ms away from any other 2;
times when the cat exited corridor with the flat surface are designated by two 2s that are <20 ms close to each other and both at least 20 ms away from any other 2;
times when the cat entered corridor with the horizontal ladder are designated by three 2s, each of which is <20ms close to its neighbor and the group is at least 20 ms away from any other 2;
times when the cat exited corridor with the horizontal ladder are designated by four 2s, each of which is <20ms close to its neighbor and the group is at least 20 ms away from any other 2.
In this experiment, cat typically starts by walking along the ladder and then walks on the flat surface.
Between ladder surface and flat surface walking the cat makes a U-turn into the other corridor.
Cat eats after exiting from the second corridor.
walking_877 (flat surface and ladder-5 walking):
(1) main data file, clustered, Spike2
information file, Spike2
Selected channels for locom_cat3, txt
spike rasters,.rs files, compressed (zipped), see here how to plot rasters