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PTN 3190 | CAT Brain

Activity of a pyramidal tract projecting cell (PTN) of  motor cortex during walking on the flat surface and horizontal ladder with crosspieces 5, 12, and 18 cm wide. The cell was recorded in track 21 of Cat 7 (see cortical map). Latent period of cell’s response to electrical stimulation of the pyramidal tract was 1.1 ms; collision test was satisfied. The cell did not have any resting somatosensory receptive field.

This PTN was one of the 145 neurons, activity of which was analyzed during walking on the flat surface and ladder-5 in respect to somatosensory receptive field properties and reported in Stout and Beloozerova, 2012. Excel data spreadsheet for this paper, containing, among that of 145 other neurons, the 20 bin histogram of the activity of this PTN during flat surface and ladder-5 walking along with several evaluations of the histogram is here. PTN 3190 is cell #47 by count on the second Excel sheet entitled “Selected for paper, n=145”. It can be followed on the other sheets of this Excel file by its unique number and the number of the recording file (walking_846). PTN was recorded on channel 2.

During the flat surface and ladder-5 walking tasks, this PTN was recorded simultaneously with a group of neurons from the ventrolateral thalamus, VL 134 (group) recorded in thalamic track 3 (see thalamic map). One of these VL cells responded antidromically to stimulation of motor cortex, thus was a thalamo-cortical projection neuron, TC.  It satisfied the collision test that can be seen here. Latent period was 1.2 ms. VL neurons responded to extension of the contralateral shoulder, that is to a movement of the shoulder when the elbow moves backward.  VL group is recorded on channel 1. These cells were not included in the data set on VL activity during walking published in Marlinski et al., 2012 because none of single units in this record met IB’s approval for the quality of recording.

This PTN was also recorded during walking on ladders with crosspieces 12 and 18 cm wide, but was not included in the data set to evaluate the activity of the neurons in respect to the level of accuracy demand on stepping that was reported in Beloozerova et al, 2010. The reson for not inclusion was not immediately clear at the time of data upload to the database. Perhaps recordings on the other ledders were not good enough.

walking_846 (flat surface and ladder-5 walking):
     (1) main data file, clustered, Spike2
          information file, Spike2
     (2) main data file, clustered, txt
          main data file, clustered, mat
     (3) selected channels for locom_cat3M , txt (both PTN and VL cells)
     (4) spike rastes, .rs format, zipped (see how to plot rasters)         
Thus, for this PTN’s flat surface and ladder-5 walking, the data include: (1) original recording in Spike2, which includes clustering of the PTN and VL cells by IB; (2) .txt and .mat exports of this entire recording; (3) a .txt export of only the times of spikes, the beginnings of swing and stance phases of the stride of the right forelimb; and moments of entering and exiting the test corridors; and (4) IB assessment of the activity of this PTN during flat surface and ladder-5 walking (the strides selection for rasters and histograms). Images below illustrate some of the walking-826 file data content. Actual data are in the links above.

walking_847 (flat surface and ladder-18 walking):
     (1) main data file, only preliminary clustered, Spike2
          information file, Spike2
     (2) main data file, preliminary clustered, txt
          main data file, preliminary clustered, mat  
     (3) selected channels for locom_cat3M, txt 

walking_828 (flat surface and ladder-12 walking):
     (1) main data file, not clustered, Spike2
          information file, Spike2
     (2) main data file, not clustered, txt

See post on PTN 3182 and post on PTN 3198 for examples of images illustrating some of the walking files data content.