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RE 326 | CAT Brain

Activity of a neuron from motor compartment of the reticular nucleus of thalamus (RE) during walking on the flat surface, horizontal ladder with crosspieces 5 cm wide, and along a 5 cm narrow walkway. Description of  the narrow walkway can be found in Farrell et al., 2015. The cell was recorded in RE track 1 of Cat 11 (see thalamic map). Cell responded synaptically to electrical stimulation of cortical area 6. Location of stimulation electrodes in the cortex of this cat are shown in Figure 3A of Marlinski et al., 2012. An example of a synaptical response to cortical stimulation is shown in Figure 3B of the same paper. IB laboratory did not analyse details of synaptic responses of RE neurons to cortical stimulation. The cell was activated by flexion and abduction of the contralateral shoulder, that is, by a movement of the arm forward and away from the body.

This cell was one of the 112 neurons, activity of which was analyzed in respect to walking on the flat surface and tops of horizontal ladder-5, including the differential responses on neurons with receptive fields on different segments of the forelimb, and reported in Marlinski et al., 2012. Excel data spreadsheet for this paper, containing, among that of 112 other neurons, the 20 bin histogram of the activity of this neuron during flat surface and ladder-5 walking along with several evaluations of the histogram is here. RE 326 is cell #13 by count on the  Excel sheet entitled “Re cells_Ira base”. It can be followed on the other sheets of that Excel file by its unique number and the number of the recording file. The cell was recorded on channel 1 along with one other RE cell, cell 326a. Its cluster, approved by IB, is on channel 8.

This RE cell was also recorded during walking on the flat surface with a width of 27-29 cm (our normal unobstructed flat surface corridor) and along a narrow pathway created by longitudinal dividers placed in the corridor. See its description in Farrell et al., 2015. Activity of RE neurons during walking on the narrow walkway was not analysed by IB laboratory.

walking_1492 (flat surface and ladder-5 walking):
 (1) main data file, clustered, Spike2
          information file, Spike2
     (2) main data file, clustered, txt
          main data file, clustered, mat
     (3) spike rastes, .rs format, zipped (see how to plot rasters)  (there is a chance that the rasters are actually for cell 326a)
Thus, for this RE neuron’s flat surface and ladder-5 walking, the data include: (1) original recording in Spike2, which includes clustering of the cell by Vladimir Marlinski and IB; (2) .txt and .mat exports of this entire recording; and (3) Vladimir Marlinski and IB assessment of the activity of this RE cell during flat surface and ladder-5 walking.

walking_1493 (flat surface of normal width and 5 cm narrow strip walking):
  (1) main data file, only preliminary clustered, Spike2 (and I am not sure whether the cluster is RE 326 or 326a)
        information file, Spike2
  (2) main data file, only preliminary clustered, txt
  (and I am not sure whether the cluster is RE 326 or 326a)
       main data file, only preliminary clustered, mat   
(and I am not sure whether the cluster is RE 326aor 326a)

See examples of images that illustrate some of the walking files data content in the post on PTN 3182.