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Content | CAT Brain
There is 1.8 TB of data available. Only a minute amount is linked here right now. If you would like to obtain data, links to which are not yet provided, please contact Dr. Beloozerova. Classification of the database is listed below:


Keyword Status Laboratory
walking in a corridor- flat surface flat surface ready IB
walking in a corridor- turning 180 degrees turn 180 ready IB
walking in a corridor- turning 120 degrees turn 120 coming IB
walking in a corridor- uphill uphill coming IB
walking in a corridor- downhill downhill coming IB
walking in a corridor- horizontal ladder, 5 cm wide crosspieces ladder 5 ready IB
walking in a corridor- horizontal ladder, 12 cm wide crosspieces ladder 12 ready IB
walking in a corridor- horizontal ladder, 18 cm wide crosspieces ladder 18 ready IB
walking in a corridor- horizontal ladder, 5 cm wide irregularly-spaced crosspieces ladder 5ir coming IB
walking in a corridor- horizontal ladder, displaceable crosspiece (aka “moving rung”) ladderMR coming IB
walking in a corridor- small 1cm tall obstacles, pellets pellet coming IB
walking in a corridor- tall obstacles obstacles coming IB
walking in a corridor- narrow narrow walking coming IB
walking in a corridor- wide feet separation, straddling a long obstacle wide walking coming IB
walking on a treadmill, forward treadmill coming IB
walking on a treadmill, backward backward coming IB
balancing on a platform that tilts left-right tilt coming IB
scratching scratch coming IB
Brain Structures Keyword Status Laboratory
motor cortex motor cortex ready IB
somatosensory cortex area 1 and 2 SI coming IB
parietal area 5 area 5 coming IB
ventrolateral nucleus of thalamus VL ready IB
reticular nucleus of thalamus reticular ready IB
red nucleus RN coming IB
Neuronal Types, by destination of axon Keyword Status Laboratory
pyramidal tract projecting neuron, PTN PTN ready IB
cortico-thalamic projecting neuron, CT CT coming IB
thalamo-cortical projecting neuron, TC TC ready IB
non-identified projection neuron, noID noID ready IB
Neuronal Types, by axonal conduction velocity
fast fast axon ready IB
slow slow axon ready IB
Neuronal Types, by somatosensory receptive field
shoulder-related shoulder ready IB
elbow-related elbow ready IB
wrist-related wrist ready IB
hip-related hip coming IB
knee-related knee coming IB
ankle-related ankle coming IB
Behaviors Type of data Keyword Status Laboratory
25 cm wide corridor, empty full forelimb: 6 points coming IB
25 cm wide corridor, empty full hindlimb: 6 points coming IB
25 cm wide corridor, empty head: 3 points coming          IB
ladder-5 full forelimb: 6 points coming IB
ladder-5 full hindlimb: 6 points coming IB
ladder-5 head: 3 points coming          IB
25 cm wide corridor, empty 4 paws footprints coming IB
25 cm wide corridor, 1 small obstacle 4 paws footprints   coming IB
15 cm wide corridor, empty 4 paws footprints   coming IB
15 cm wide corridor, 1 small obstacle 4 paws footprints   coming IB
  full forelimb: 6 points coming IB
  full hindlimb coming IB
head coming          IB
Intervention Types Keyword Status Laboratory
removal of illumination (walking in darkness) dark coming IB
blockade of GABA-ergic transmission by gabazine gabazine coming IB
blockade of GABA-ergic transmission by bicuculline bicuculline coming IB
blockade of glutamate-ergic transmission by CNQX CNQX coming IB

In laboratory of Dr. Beloozerova, neuronal data from 14 cats (Cats 1 -14) was obtained since 2000. Several more cats were used only to record their movements. Read about our cats here. Currently data from the following cats are available for search:

Cats and their descriptions Keyword to search data Status Laboratory
Cat 7 Cat 7 ready  IB
Cat 11 Cat 11 ready IB
Cat M1 Cat M1 ready IB