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corridor | CAT Brain
Name Excerpt In-Text Tag Sample EXP
RE 326a Simultaneous recording of 2 neurons from the motor compartment of the reticular nucleus of thalamus (RE) during walking on the flat surface, horizontal ladder with crosspieces 5 cm wide, and along a 5 cm narrow walkway. The cell was recorded simultaneously with RE cell 326, by the same electrode in RE track 1 of Cat paper right containing spreadsheet fields extension forelimb electrical pellet resting Vladimir Marlinski
RE 326 Activity of a neuron from motor compartment of the reticular nucleus of thalamus (RE) during walking on the flat surface, horizontal ladder with crosspieces 5 cm wide, and along a 5 cm narrow walkway. Description of  the narrow walkway can be found in Farrell et al., 2015. The cell was recorded in RE track 1 of abduction ventral passive elbow obstacle thalamic file description flexion count Vladimir Marlinski
Cat M1 footprints_OnePellet 11.11.15 This is a recording of footprints of Cat M1 as he walked along the normal test corridor 25 cm wide and along the same corridor when its width was reduced by a longitudinal divider to 15 cm. Behavior: Walking- One Pellet (Read More) Cats walked in a chamber that had a 250 cm long and 25 cm wide test corridor. An external wall closer electrodes medulla excel manipulation narrow walking font laboratory thalamus fore IB
PTN/CR 3208 Activity of a neuron in motor cortex (MC) during walking on a flat surface and ladder with crosspieces 5 cm wide. The neuron projects to the pyramidal tract and red nucleus. Cat 7. The neuron was activated by shoulder abduction, that is, movement of the arm away from the body. The neuron was recorded in track 23 (see

Activity of a neuron in motor cortex during walking on a flat surface and ladder. The neuron projects to the pyramidal tract and red nucleus. Cat 7.

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